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Complimentary job description

Data Scientist

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Punch offers four divisions of services: design, engineering, staffing, and demand

Data Scientist

We are looking for a Data Scientist that will help us discover the information hidden in vast amounts of data, and help us make smarter decisions to deliver even better products. Your primary focus will be in applying data mining techniques, doing statistical analysis, and building high quality prediction systems integrated with our products. {{Depending on your needs, you can write very specific requirements here, like: “automate scoring using machine learning techniques”, “build recommendation systems”, “improve and extend the features used by our existing classifier”, “develop internal A/B testing procedures”, “build system for automated fraud detection”, etc.}}


  • Selecting features, building and optimizing classifiers using machine learning techniques
  • Data mining using state-of-the-art methods
  • Extending company’s data with third party sources of information when needed
  • Enhancing data collection procedures to include information that is relevant for building analytic systems
  • Processing, cleansing, and verifying the integrity of data used for analysis
  • Doing ad-hoc analysis and presenting results in a clear manner
  • Creating automated anomaly detection systems and constant tracking of its performance
  • {{Select from the above and add other responsibilities that are relevant}}


  • Excellent understanding of machine learning techniques and algorithms, such as k-NN, Naive Bayes, SVM, Decision Forests, etc.
  • Experience with common data science toolkits, such as R, Weka, NumPy, MatLab, etc {{depending on specific project requirements}}​. Excellence in at least one of these is highly desirable
  • Great communication skills
  • Experience with data visualisation tools, such as D3.js, GGplot, etc.
  • Proficiency in using query languages such as SQL, Hive, Pig {{actual list depends on what you are currently using in your company}}
  • Experience with NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase {{depending on project needs}}
  • Good applied statistics skills, such as distributions, statistical testing, regression, etc.
  • Good scripting and programming skills {{if you expect that the person in this role will integrate the solution within the base application, list any programming languages and core frameworks currently being used}}
  • Data-oriented personality
  • {{Mention any other technology that such person is going to commonly work with within the organization}}
  • {{List education level or certification you require}}


San Francisco, California USA


Full time

Written by Punch

Released under a Creative Commons Public Domain

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