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Angular.js interview questions

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Why should we use AngularJS?
AngularJS is a Javascript Framework that help maintaining client-side Javascript code in MVVM & MVC fashion. The framework provide models, services, factories, controllers and directives that help customising UI use cases.
What is $scope in AngularJS?
$scope is a predefined object that is made available to each controller defined on module for binding DOM HTML elements with controller. $scope represents model in MVC architecture, as it can also directly contain data retrieved from backend for populating UI.

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What is interpolation in AngularJS?
{{}} is denoted as Interpolation markup in AngularJS. Any expression inside braces would be evaluated and result is replaced with innerHTML of binded DOM node.
What is two-way binding in AngularJS?
Two way binding in AngularJS means that value of interpolated or binded variable objects can be changed from UI as well as from controller. The change in value takes place almost immediately at controller as well as template.
What is one-way binding in AngularJS?
One way binding in AngularJS means that the value in UI can only be changed from controller. For one-way binding we use extra syntax as {{ ::foo }} to override default two-way binding.
What is $watch in AngularJS?
$watch is a method provided by Angular on $scope object. Method is invoked with two parameters, binding object to watch in form of string and callback function which is invoked at end of Angular’s digest cycle.
What are limitations of $watch in AngularJS?
$watch takes advantage of event driven behaviour in Javascript and checks every few milliseconds for changes that need update globally. $watch’ing too many objects would grow size of event loop, making whole application slow.
What is directive in AngularJS?
Directive is a method defined on module object, which is used to create extended HTML attributes i-e. . Directive can have its own controller, $scope, template and other properties that help customizing functionality of directive.
What is dependency injection in AngularJS?
Dependency injection is injecting Singleton objects in methods. AngularJS resolve dependencies before invoking function and thus when function is invoked it has access to injected objects.
How do modules communicate in AngularJS?
Modules can communicate with each other using factories/services or by events such as $broadcast/$emit callbacks provided on $scope.

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How does $scope.$emit and $scope.$broadcast differ in AngularJS?
$scope.$broadcast check children $scope chain for callback bind via $scope.$on to be invoked with particular event name i.e. $scope.$broadcast(‘foo’) would look for $scope.$on(‘foo’, callback). While $scope.$emit check parent $scope chain for event listener.
What is isolated scope in AngularJS?
Isolated scope for a directive ensures that $scope for directive is not inherited from parent and doesn’t share bindings.
How inheritance work with isolated scope in AngularJS?
Parent directive can pass children directive objects and values it need for rendering. There are three different ways by which children directive can get values from parent i.e. ‘=’, ‘&’, ‘@’
How promises are customised in AngularJS?
AngularJS provides a built in service $q that help creating promises.
Why should we not use AngularJS?
Using or not using AngularJS depends on scope and functionality of your app. It might not fit in the case where we have long lists of data, images populating on single page. Pagination and other techniques might refactor issue, but binding huge data for longer interval of time can run browser into memory leak issues.

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