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ECMAScript6 interview questions

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Interview questions for your next interview

What is ECMAScript 6 or ES 6?
ECMAScript is the “proper” name for the language commonly referred to as JavaScript. ES6 is also referred to as “Harmony” and it is the sixth major release of the ECMAScript language specification.
What is the best way to create Private Properties in ES6?
It can only be done for Scoped Accessed in Objects by using Symbols. Symbols are unique, you can't gain access to one from the outside except with reflection (like privates in Java/C#) but anyone who has access to the Symbol on the inside can use it for key access.

E.g.var property = Symbol();
class Something {
this[property] = "test";
var instance = new Something();
console.log(; //=> undefined, can only access with access to theSymbol

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What is the ES6 Map feature?
The Map object is a simple key/value map. Any value (both objects and primitive values) may be used as either a key or a value. Syntax [key, value]. e.g.hash = new Map()
hash.set("hello", 42)
hash.set(1, 34);

console.log(hash); //Map {"hello" => 42, 1 => 34}
How would you sort an ES6 Map Object?
var map = new Map();
map.set('2-1', "foo");
map.set('0-1', "bar");
map.set('3-1', "baz");
var mapAsc = new Map([].sort());
How would you filter an Array of Objects in ES6?
Array of objects can be filtered by using the method explained in this example:var family = [{"name":"Jack", "age": 26},
{"name":"Jill", "age": 22},
{"name":"James", "age": 5 },
{"name":"Jenny", "age": 2 }];
family.filter(person => person.age > 18); //Filters the Array of Objects to condition set
What's the correct way to use Destructuring Assignment in ES6?
In ES5 e.g.var jsonMiddleware = require('body-parser').json
var body = req.body, // body has username and password
username = body.username,
password = body.password
In ES6:var {jsonMiddleware} = require('body-parser')
var {username, password} = req.body
What's the correct way to use ES6 in a project?
ES6 is finalized, but not fully supported by all browsers (e.g., ES6 Firefox support). To use ES6, we need to use a compiler like Babel. You can run it as a standalone tool or use with your build system. There are Babel plugins for Grunt, Gulp and Webpack.

Here’s a Gulp example. Install the plugin:$ npm install --save-dev gulp-babelIn gulpfile.js, define a task build that takes src/app.js and compiles it into the build folder:var gulp = require('gulp'),
babel = require('gulp-babel')

gulp.task('build', function () {
return gulp.src('src/app.js')
What are Promises in ES6?
Promises have been a controversial topic. There were a lot of promise implementationswith slightly different syntax. q, bluebird, deferred.js, vow, avow, jQuery deferred to name just a few. Others said we don’t need promises and can just use async, generators, callbacks, etc. Gladly, there’s a standard Promise implementation in ES6 now!

Let’s consider a rather trivial example of a delayed asynchronous execution with setTimeout():setTimeout(function(){
console.log('Yay!')}, 1000)
We can re-write the code in ES6 with Promise:var wait1000 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000)})
.then(function() {
Or with ES6 arrow functions:var wait1000 = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000)})
.then(()=> {
So far, we’ve increased the number of lines of code from three to five without any obvious benefit. That’s right. The benefit will come if we have more nested logic inside of thesetTimeout() callback:setTimeout(function(){
}, 1000)
}, 1000)
Can be re-written with ES6 promises:var wait1000 = ()=> new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {setTimeout(resolve, 1000)})
.then(function() {
return wait1000()
.then(function() {

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