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Interview questions for your next interview

What are tuples in Python? How they are different than lists?
A tuple is another sequence data type that is similar to the list. A tuple consists of a number of values separated by commas. The main differences between lists and tuples are − Lists are enclosed in brackets ( [ ] ) and their elements and size can be changed, while tuples are enclosed in parentheses ( ( ) ) and cannot be updated. Tuples can be thought of as read-only lists.
What are Python's dictionaries?
Python's dictionaries are kind of hash table type. They work like associative arrays or hashes found in Perl and consist of key-value pairs. A dictionary key can be almost any Python type, but are usually numbers or strings. Values, on the other hand, can be any arbitrary Python object.

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What is PEP 8?
PEP 8 is a coding convention, a set of recommendations, about how to write your Python code more readably.
How is Python interpreted?
The Python language is an interpreted language. Python programs run directly from the source code. Python converts the source code that is written by the programmer into an intermmediate language, which is again translated into machine language then executed.
How is memory managed in Python?
  • Python memory is managed by the Python private heap space. All Python objects and data structures are located in a private heap. The programmer does not have an access to this private heap and the interpretor takes care of this Python private heap.
  • The allocation of Python heap space for Python objects is done by the Python memory manager. The core API gives access to some tools for the programmer to code.
  • Python also has an built-in garbage collector, which recycles all the unused memory, frees memory, and makes it available to the heap space.
What are the tools that help to find bugs or perform static analysis?
PyChecker is a static analysis tool that detects the bugs in Python source code and warns about the style and complexity of the bug. Pylint is another tool that verifies whether the module meets the coding standard.
How are arguments passed by value or by reference?
Everything in Python is an object and all variables hold references to the objects. The references values are according to the functions; as a result you cannot change the value of the references. However, you can change the objects if they are mutable.
What is a namespace in Python?
In Python, every name introduced has a place where it lives and can be looked for. This is known as namespace. It is like a box where a variable name is mapped to the object placed. Whenever the variable is searched out, this box will be searched, to get the corresponding object.
What is pass in Python?
Pass means, no-operation Python statement, or in other words it is a placeholder in compound statement, where there should be a blank left and nothing has to be written there.
How can you share global variables across modules?
To share global variables across modules within a single program, create a special module. Import the config module in all modules of your application. The module will be available as a global variable across modules.

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What is the difference between deep and shallow copy?
Shallow copy is used to copy the reference pointers just like it copies the values. These references point to the original objects and the changes made in any member of the class will also affect the original copy of it. Whereas, deep copy doesn’t copy the reference pointers to the objects. Deep copy makes the reference to an object and the new object that is pointed by some other object gets stored. The changes made in the original copy won’t affect any other copy that uses the object.
Explain delegation in Python.
Delegation is an object oriented technique (also called a design pattern). Let's say you have an object x and want to change the behaviour of just one of its methods. You can create a new class that provides a new implementation of the method you're interested in changing and delegates all other methods to the corresponding method of x. The example shows a class that captures the behavior of the file and converts data from lower to uppercase.
What is the function of “self”?
“Self” is a variable that represent the instance of the object to itself. In most of the object oriented programming languages, this is passed to the methods as a hidden parameter that is defined by an object. But, in Python it is declared and passed explicitly. It is the first argument that gets created in the instance of the class A and the parameters to the methods are passed automatically. It refers to a separate instance of the variable for individual objects. This is the first argument that is used in the class instance and the “self” method is defined explicitly to all the methods that are used and present. The variables are referred as “”.
How is global value mutation used for thread-safety?
The global interpreter lock is used to allow the running of threads one at a time. This is internal to the program only and used to distribute the functionality along all the virtual machines that are used. Python allows the switching between the threads to be performed by using the byte code instructions that are used to provide platform-independence. The sys.setcheckinterval() method is used to allow switching to occur during the implementation of the program and the instruction. This provides the understanding in the field of accounting to use the byte code implementation that makes it portable to use. The atomicity can be provided such that the shared variables can be given as built-in data types.
What is the process to run sub-process with pipes that connect both input and output?
The popen2() module is used to run sub-processes, but due to some difficulty in processing, for example, deadlock that keeps a process blocked by waiting for output from a child and the child is waiting for the input. The dead lock occurs due to the fact that parent and child don't have the synchronization and both are waiting to get the processor to provide the resources to one another. Use of the popen3() method allows the reading of stdout and stderr to take place where the internal buffer increases and there is no read() to share resources. popen2() take care of the deadlock by providing the methods like wait() and waitpid() that finish a process first and when a request comes it hands over the responsibility to the process that is waiting for the resources.
Explain how Python does Compile-time and Run-time code checking?
Python performs some amount of compile-time and run-time code checking, but most of the checks such as type, name, etc are postponed until code execution. Consequently, if the Python code references a user-defined function that does not exist, the code will compile successfully. In fact, the code will fail with an exception only when the code execution path references the function which does not exist.

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