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Does Ruby support namespaces?
A namespace provides a container to hold things like functions, classes and constants as a way to group them together logically and to help avoid conflicts with functions and classes with the same name that have been written by someone else.

In Ruby this is achieved using modules.
How can I invoke a method in Ruby?
There are three ways to invoke a method in Ruby - dot operator (or period operator), the Object#send method or method(:foo).call:object =
puts object.object_id

puts object.send(:object_id)

puts object.method(:object_id).call

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What does self mean in Ruby?
It is receiver object of the current method. In Ruby language for method invocation it's prefered to say "message passing". So in other words, self is the object to which the message (or method) has been sent. For example, in the following code reflect is an instance method. It belongs to the object we created via So self points to that object. class Ghost
def reflect

g =
g.reflect == g # => true
Explain how you define an Instance Variable, Global Variable and Class Variable in Ruby?
  • Ruby Instance variable begins with — @
  • Ruby Class variables begin with — @@
  • Ruby Global variables begin with — $
Explain how can you declare a block in Ruby?
In Ruby, the code in the block is always enclosed within braces ({}). You can invoke a block by using “yield statement”.
What is Interpolation in Ruby?
Ruby Interpolation is the process of inserting a string into a literal. By placing a Hash (#) within {} open and close brackets, one can interpolate a string into the literal. For example:name = "Alex"
puts "Hello, #{name}!"
What is a lambda?
In Ruby a lambda is just an anonymous function. Lambdas in Ruby are also objects, just like everything else. Lambda can return a value. Example:l = lambda do |name|
return "Hello, #{name}!"
What are levels of method access control for classes in Ruby?
There are three levels of method access control for classes:
  • Public methods - can be called by all objects and subclasses of the class in which they are defined in.
  • Protected methods - only accessible to objects within the same class.
  • Private methods - are only accessible within the same instance.
How would you create getter and setter methods in Ruby?
Of course you can create them manually. But the more elegant way is to call the attr_accessor method which generates it's for you.class Person
attr_accessor :name
You can also generate just getter or setter individuall using attr_reader and attr_writer moethods appropriately.
How does a symbol differ from a string?
The main difference is that multiple symbols representing a single value are identical whereas this is not true with strings. It is also faster to compare symbols for equality since they are the same object.

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